Welcome to Vibrant College!
The entire purpose of planting Vibrant was to help people take their next steps in experiencing Vibrant Life in Jesus. That is the goal of everything we do. We dream of developing leaders that are Kingdom influencers beyond just Sundays.
We are now offering a two-year, part-time ministry leadership education program through partnerships developed with Destiny Leadership Institute and Southeastern University. You will learn Biblical concepts and leadership principles and get practical hands-on experience at Vibrant Church.
During these two years, you will be developed by the pastoral staff of Vibrant Church and leaders from all over the nation. All while you use the knowledge you gain here at Vibrant Church. Suppose you see vocational ministry in your future. In that case, churches in our network are always looking to hire if a position is not currently available here at Vibrant Church.
We believe that we will have a hand in developing next-level leaders that will impact generations. We don’t have to send high-caliber leaders anywhere else to get a quality education; we can do that right here at Vibrant.
What will you walk away with?
You’ve solidified your character, made your calling clear, increased your capacity, and you’ll be able to impact your local community of faith.
What about accreditation?
When you graduate from Vibrant College, you will be able to transfer a minimum of 18 credit hours to SEU, where you can complete your Bachelor’s degree. All of this while doing a part-time school load!
How will this fit into my schedule?
Aside from Sundays, Vibrant College is just one day a week. Tuesdays will be all studies and classes right here at the church, followed by a leadership development forum in the evening. You have the rest of the week to do other education and workload responsibilities.
What is the cost?
Typically a full-time Bible College with similar transferred credit hours costs up to $14k a year. We can offer Vibrant College for a fraction of that. Only $3k per year! And on top of your classes, that includes attendance at a leadership conference with other churches around the nation.
Who is this for?
We intentionally wanted to create this with all generations in mind. You can be 18, about to graduate, and feel God’s calling on your life, or you could be 55 and want to be developed into what God is calling you into next.
Program + Courses
Vibrant College currently offers a two-year program that, upon completion, leads to the Diploma in Christian Leadership. Each Core is designed to be user-friendly and practical, as well as academically sound. Vibrant College cultivates the student’s understanding of Scripture, their ministry gifting, and personal life vision. By doing so, we assist them in laying firm foundations within their lives upon which they can build their Ministry and Leadership skills.
The program is broken up into two academic years.
Introduction to Bible: Designed to give a clear, usable understanding of the Bible and to teach basic Bible study methods
Old Testament Survey: Provides a basic framework for understanding and interpreting the Old Testament by offering vital historical, geographical, and cultural insights
Servant Leadership: Offers a look at Jesus’ life and ministry in its historical and theological context, while focusing on Him as the ultimate servant leader
Christian Foundations I: Introduces the field of theology and provides a workable knowledge of the following important Christian doctrines: the Bible, God, man, and sin
New Testament Survey: Provides a basic framework for understanding and interpreting the New Testament by offering vital historical, geographical, and cultural insights
Internship 1 & 2: Vibrant's internship requirement ensures that our students gain practical training in conjunction with their biblical studies. The internship course is required each semester.
Leadership Development Forum: A weekly gathering of all Vibrant College students to learn from ministry and business leaders, as well as Vibrant's Pastoral Team.
Spiritual Formation: This course focuses on the development of the believer’s spiritual life. Attention is given to the spiritual disciplines, the connection between ministry and character, and the relationship between formation and sanctification.
Spirit-Filled Leadership: The course prepares students for Spirit-Filled ministry and offers biblically sound practical theology of Spirit-led ministry through preaching, teaching and leading in the power of the Holy Spirit.
Intro to Christian Ministry: Helps students identify and implement values, vision, mission and strategy in their ministry contexts
Ministry Skills: Introduces two vital ministry skills: communication and care – Helps students develop and deliver clear, powerful sermons and lessons and overviews principles of pastoral care and counseling
Christian Foundations II: Introduces the field of theology and provides a workable knowledge of the following important Christian doctrines: Christ, Salvation, The Holy Spirit, The Church, and Last Things.
Internship 3 & 4: DLI’s internship requirement ensures that our students gain practical training in conjunction with their biblical studies. The internship course is required each semester.
Leadership Development Forum: A weekly gathering of all Vibrant College students to learn from ministry and business leaders, as well as Vibrant's Pastoral Team.
Vibrant College is committed to providing access to top quality ministry and leadership training at very affordable tuition rates. Our tuition is a fraction of the cost at similar institutions. This is made possible as a result of our management strategy and the generosity of our covenant partners who subsidize the cost of operation to help keep tuition rates low. Tuition is $3,000 per year. At least half of the tuition should be paid by the time classes begin, and the balance settled by the conclusion of the first semester.
Application Process
1. Complete the online application.
2. Receive a welcome e-mail with instructions on how to submit payment and order books.
3. Receive instructions on how to log in to the online classroom.